Divya Sewa Sansthan – Dedicated as for the Service to Humanity is the Service to God

Divya Sewa Sansthan, a charitable trust is founded by Mrs. & Mr. Sanjay Kumar with an aim to serve humanity. It is not only an NGO but also a dream, a voice, an effort, and a charity for the help of the poor, helpless, orphans, homeless, senior citizens, handicapped, needy, and weaker sections of society.
Our NGO firmly stood to take food, eatables, and other essential items, masks, and sanitizers during the tough time of Covid19. We also constitute a team for Covid19which continuously checked the oxygen level and thermal scanning of the weaker and needy section and gave them proper care, medical help, and advice.


Our NGO is working for women empowerment, wellness of the environment, drinking water, health and family welfare, art and culture, Dalit upliftment, skill development, and so on. No matter how critical the situation is, Divya Sewa Sansthan is always there to help every section of society.

Helping Hands

No matter how critical the situation is, our NGO is always ready for help of the poor, senior citizens and handicappeds

Wellness of Environment

We encourage people to plantation on great occasions like world environment day.

Health and Family Welfare

Health care should be within the reach of every citizen. We are here for providing basic health facilities.

Dalit Upliftment

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Women Empowerment

Women in India prosper through meaningful work that allows them to balance their domestic responsibilities for social and economic empowerment

Art and Culture

Provides a range of products and services integrating skills and materials from rural India like, pottery and weaving

How can you help?

You can also make your contribution to the pious work of serving humanity by donating an amount in favour of Divya Sewa Sansthan. Your donation will help in working with more enthusiasm and zeal and enlarge our circle of services to humanity. This financial support by our esteemed donators eventually helps our NGO in breaking the limits of our services. For more detail about donations, you can contact us.

Give us a brief description of the service that you are promoting.


Give us a brief description of the service that you are promoting.


Give us a brief description of the service that you are promoting.


No matter how critical the situation is, Divya Sewa Sansthan is always there to help every section of society.

A ray of hope for elders and handicaps

Our NGO use to donate blankets and quilts and other necessary items in the severe cold to old age people, handicapped, and other needy folks.

Ground Level Duties during Covid19

During the covid19 pandemic, our NGO actively participated in the distribution of masks, food items, and fogging & sanitisation of various localities.

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Distribution of Sweets and Fruits on Pious Occasion

Our NGO also use to distribute sweets and other items on many pious occasions like Guru Ravidas Jayanti, Shiv Ratri, etc.

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